Tuesday 1 May 2012

Review : The Avengers

Joss Whedon: First off, the guy has worked in the making of amazing series liek Firefly, Buffy : The Vampire Slayer and screenplay of the first toy story movie. You would think his mind would be primitive with the kind of work he has been doing, well Let's let the movie do the talking.
Marvel a Warehouse of superheroes with extraordinary abilities has quite a many to choose from. 
What is The Avengers? - An initiative by S.H.I.E.L.D. to bring together people with extraordinary powers to fight the battles mankind cannot.

Now , lets get to the movie.
Let me tell you, this is not Iron Man 3 as speculated saying that Iron Man will have the spotlight.
Why do Marvel tease you tiny glimpses at the end of many movies like Incredible Hulk(2008),Iron Man 2(2010), Captain America(2011), Thor(2011), Well let me tell you exactly why. These backstories bring together all the characters to their present situations and makes you the person who jus came into the studio Stan Lee because you know exactly what is going on. There is no loose end where you wonder "How did that happen?" etc.
Moving, Action, Comedy,Drama (to the power of infinity)
Make no mistake when i tell you concentrate on every dialogue thrown in the movie, because there is a punchline somehwere there, from The Intense Thor, The Narcissitic Iron Man, The archer Hawkeye, The Gorgeous Black Widow, The Old School Captain America and finally The Mighty Hulk. Every single character has some side splitting lines delivered at the most unexpected moments and the most enthralling of action sequences. The Movie although slow at first picks up in no time and takes you on a journey like no other. Unlike The Dark Knight(*Respect*) this movie is kept in such serious and delicate situations with the most rib-cracking comedy that left me laughing like a hyena's grandmother in the theater. Let me just clarify one thing, even if you are spending Rs. 500 for a movie ticket, mark my words when I tell you you will consider it one of the best spending you have done in quite a long time. 
The HULK as potrayed by Mark Ruffalo is one the geekiest and apt one yet. The Size of him is believable and his timings are immensely appealing and his actions have become my favorite part of the movie, His encounter with LOKI just set the tone for the rest of the movie from then on which was cartoonishly funny but , he is the HULK.
CAPTAIN AMERICA adjusting to the modern world seems a little far fetched as many things have changed so you see him kicking it old school.
THOR comes off as a strong character with deep intensity since its LOKI (his half brother) who is out to destroy the world as we know it.
HAWKEYE has an aim like no ther and his arrows are on the mark and on the money and also has some smooth moves.
BLACK WIDOW , god this woman is hot and got moves like jagger when she is kicking some alien butt. 
NICK FURY , the annoying crazy head of Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D.), gives a subtle push that easy to spot to unite The Avengers who are in disarray.
IRON MAN well has his dialogues that have so much attitude that you just can't ignore and just make burst out into laughter and waking him up when he is unconscious has never been more fun.

A complete package that has highs' and lows' and is roller coaster of a movie that makes you want to buy the tickets for the next possible show. 
My Call - 9.0 /10
1.0 - for them to make the next movie :D

Pictures are copyrights of Marvel.

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